I was a little surprised and told her my birth year.
"Ah. We have you as five years younger", she explained. I can only wish that I was five years younger. There was hesitation in the lady's voice as she began to ask me a question.
"Uhmm. If you don't mind me asking, are you male or female? It's just that we have you down as male, but you sound female." She sounded almost apologetic but, in my mind, there was absolutely nothing for her to be sorry about. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten around to changing my medical details so my recent admission to hospital was under my previous name. I explained to the lady on the phone that I was transitioning to which she replied "Oh.. Ok".
I'm not sure if someone should tell her that people can still hear you talking until the handset actually pushes down the little button in the cradle. In the last moments, after we had said goodbyes, as she was in the process of hanging up and the handset was moving from her ear to the cradle, I heard her exclaim "OH MY GOD..."
It made me smile on top of the big grin I was already wearing due to her previous question. My goal was to have a voice that would be identified as female but to have a voice that was so female that it would challenge a presented fact was beyond my wildest dreams. That was definitely a good day.