Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Neighbours, With a little understanding....

There was a familiar knock on the door. Easter had just passed and it was about the right time for Greek Easter. I opened the door and my neighbour was patiently waiting with a plastic plate in her hands. Filling the plate were biscuits, baklava and many other home made Greek treats. We greeted each other warmly as she pushed the plate into my hands. We chatted briefly before she excused herself and made her way back next door. 

This happened often at Easter and Christmas, but sometimes she would bake some treats just for the sake of it and she would bring a share over for me. My Dad is even better friends with my neighbours and would often go over to their place for a strong Greek coffee and some biscuits. She would tell him how I was a good neighbour and  didn't make too much noise and was god to live next to. When we saw each other in the garden we would stop and have a short chat and she would ask how my father was.

That was then... When I first transitioned I saw her in the garden and waved as I was getting into my car. She looked at me, unsure, questioning, confused, and waved back weakly. Since then, I haven't seen her. No more knocks on the door, no more waves in the garden. In my former life, I used to try and avoid her sometimes if I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. Now, I wonder if she is avoiding me..

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