Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Back in my day....

.... when I was a uni student studying engineering in 1992, my best friend from high school showed me his new HP48 scientific graphing calculator. These were the flagship models of the HP calculator line and they were ridiculously expensive. I can't remember the exact figures, but I think they were almost a thousand dollars expensive... However, he reasoned, they were the types of tools that engineers used and it made sense to learn how to use them  as a student. It made sense to me at the time and I mentioned it to my parents who bought me one for christmas and my birthday one year. Woohoo!

As it turns out, the university I went to was very theoretical and we learnt all things from first principles and so I didn't really need most of the functions of the calculator. I also discovered that I really sucked at a lot of the first principles of electronics engineering (although I did really well at the digital stuff and I liked the applied side) and I ended up focusing on software engineering which became my career for many years after I left uni. My friend also ended up in the IT industry and quickly found his way into (shock, horror)... management...  I don't know what ever happened to his calculator and I doubt he got value from it. I almost got into trouble in one exam because it was too advanced and they were almost going to confiscate it from me. It was a cryptography exam and some heavy duty number crunching was required and I fortunately managed to show them how to do a hard reset on the calculator to prove that I hadn't stored anything in there in an attempt to cheat.

Twenty years later and I'm doing statistics in psychology. I enjoyed statistics when I did it in engineering, mainly because I understood it and found it easy, especially compared to things like electromagnetic theory and quantum physics... I've just moved house and all my things are in boxes and I have no idea where my calculator is. My iPhone has a rather nice and satisfactory scientific calculator but it isn't allowed in exams. I thought I'd go have a look and see how much calculators go for nowadays, totally expecting them to be only available as oddities in specialist stores; much like a slide rule might be. I discover that something that cost me $70 in high school would now be worth about $15. Actually, my high school calculator wouldn't have been too bad if all the print on the buttons hadn't been worn off due to so much use.. Yes, I used it that much... I'm a nerd... 

Suddenly, I see advertised an HP48gII which was one of the successors to my calculator from uni. It was selling for a princely sum of $200 which is more than any other calculator on that site but lot less than what mine cost. I don't know what I expected really and this whole trip down memory lane suddenly made me feel so old.

I mean, back in my day, I used to go to the milk bar and buy chocolate drops for one cent each and I used to love the dixie cup ice creams for twenty cents!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finding a place to fit in

Part of what makes us human is our tendency to interpret things and to search for answers and a reason. This inquisitiveness is a good thing but it also highlights our fallibility as we often tend to focus on over simplistic explanations for complex behaviours and problems. Indeed, Occam's Razor is often misquoted as saying something like "the simplest explanation is often the best". 

"I am thrifty with money because I was raised in a poor family."
"I enjoy spending money because now I have it where as I was raised and brought up in a poor family."

Our tendencies to focus on simple explanations and reasons often cause us to fixate on factors that jump out at us. Whilst these factors may actually be contributory, they probably aren't the single or even the single most significant cause for our behaviours. This can be seen when the same situations are used to explain different behaviours in different people. There must, therefore be other factors at play but it's a line of faulty reasoning that we fall into again and again. Perhaps we do this because it is simple and our minds really aren't that good at processing a lot of complex information without distilling it down.

Whatever the reason, it's possibly something to be aware of when transitioning. Growing up, I've always felt that I didn't fit in. It always seemed that I viewed things differently and that caused problems when dealing with others. I didn't understand nuances in schoolboy rough housing that made others upset at me and I still don't understand why their actions in certain games were considered okay whilst I was called a cheat if I did the same or less. This resulted in me, starting from very early on in primary school, spending most of recess and lunch times by myself counting the days till the next school holiday. 

In high school, my way of thinking resulted in teachers not liking my essays and creative writing and usually missing the subtle points I was making. English was one of my least favourite subjects during high school and I gravitated toward mathematics, physics and chemistry where problems could be solved with flair but (at high school level) there was only a single final answer. 

At high school and university, as interpersonal relationships became more important and more complex, my strange views caused further friction with those that I was close to. Girlfriends couldn't understand how I could be friends with ex-girlfriends (assuming ex's wanted to be friends with me). How I could be friends with a girl who cheated on me?And nobody could understand how I could remain best friends with my friend she cheated on me with! Then there were the (to me) arbitrary boundaries that defined whether two people were friends, interested in each other or "really good friends"... I still don't understand these nuances and I still don't understand why people just can't show affection and love without it being interpreted as something more. My views and beliefs often resulted in me feeling left out because they would translate into poorly received actions or I would have to pay close attention to my actions and behave in a way that, well, wasn't really me.

I often pondered what it was about me. Many things crossed my mind such as my ethnicity, my geekiness, my physical make up or my confusion over my gender. That last one can be a problem for those transitioning as it is all too easy to believe that your problems will be fixed once transition is "over". Each milestone in transition carries a kind of holy grail with it which only leads to disappointment when we realise that we the same person we were before but we just look different or have the genitals we always wanted. Many things change but many things do not. 

I am glad that I transitioned but, it may surprise many to learn, I still feel like I don't belong. Core beliefs and values tend not to change when transitioning and my beliefs and values still tend to be way out field compared to many. That's not to say that I stick out like a sore thumb or mope in a corner in social situations; I've learnt to navigate those waters well enough. Rather, I feel more like a golf ball that nestles into a social circle only to realise that this hole isn't the cup in the green but a divot in a sand trap and that I'm about to be whacked out.

Sometimes I just want to find a place where I feel that I truly belong but then sometimes I feel like Groucho Marx when he said, "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Filly's Frolic #24

Six and half months after my operation, I decided that my breasts should probably have settled down by now and it was time to get fitted for a bra properly. I say properly because the last fitting I had was done purely by sight, feedback from me and trial and error. Requiring my feedback on whether or not it felt right seemed like a rather flawed method because I don't really think that I'm a good judge of well fitting bras. The first time I ever had a bra fitted, I'm pretty sure I ended up with a bra that was waaaay too big for me. I walked out of the store with a 14C and that was only 3 months after starting hormones. I have no idea what that lady was thinking. 

Once I had walked into Myers to ask for a bra fitting but they were too busy and told me to come back another day. There was one girl working the register with half a dozen people waiting, another lady doing some kind of stock take and sorting and and another lady wondering around between departments. So, they lost my sale... 

Today, I wandered into Bras n Things and I was immediately greeted and asked if I needed assistance. I asked if I could be measured up and was courteously directed to the fitting rooms where a nice lady measured me with a tape. A tape! Yay! Although she said that this would only be a starting point, at least she was starting from some sort of objective basis. 
"Your band size is a fourteen", she started off saying. "Now we'll measure your cup size." Yup, based on my own measurements and trial and error, I had come to the conclusion that I was a fourteen or sixteen. I was glad to hear I was right. She wrapped the tape around my breasts and she asked me to slowly spin around as she did so.
"You're cup size is a double D or an E". 

I almost fell over in shock. 

I hope it didn't show and I tried to gather myself and said, "Oh!" I was currently wearing a 16C which is also the equivalent to a 14D. That's a 38C or 36D for all you US sized people... Crap! When I had had my breast implants, I really only wanted to be about a 14C and had always felt I had come back with breasts a little too large. Now I was finding out that they were two to three cup sizes too large! Damn!

I followed her out and we picked out a couple of different styled bras to try on. This was the bugbear of women's clothing. Why, oh why, can't manufacturers make clothes of a certain size all the same size?? I remember going to buy clothes as a guy. I was a 34 pants and a 42 shirt. It didn't matter where I went or which brand I bought, it was a 34 pants and a 42 shirt. Yet, with girls clothing, my pants could be anywhere from 10 to 14 and my tops and dresses could be anywhere from 12 to 16!! And bras, something as basic as band size, could be either a 14 or 16. 

After some fluffing about trying on different sizes, it was determined that depending on the bra, I was either a 14E or a 16DD. The lady was very knowledgeable in fitting as she was able to explain exactly why a bra was the right size or not and was able to show me what to look for and how to adjust everything properly. Everything made sense and there wasn't any sort of subjective "Does that feel right to you?" type question. I ended up buying half a dozen new bras and spending way more money that I had anticipated but at least I now had something that I was confident was fitted correctly. 

 Unfortunately, it has brought back the thoughts of going back for breast revision surgery. However, it's not really urgent and it will have to fit in with my study schedule now which probably means that I won't make any decisions for at least size months and if I do go, it won't be for probably a year. But, we'll see....

Bad Dreams: Waiter worries...

Agitated, I roused from my dream. It was only a dream, I kept telling myself, but that didn't help and sleep evaded me for the rest of night as I tossed and turned in my bed. 

"I'm going to have to move you to another table", said the waiter as we were halfway through our meals. 
"Oh? Why?", I asked with an eyebrow raised. I'm usually quite flexible and understanding with these sorts of things as long as there is a valid reason for the inconvenience.
"We've been asking the other customers how they feel about what has happened and some of them aren't happy", replied the waiter. About what has happened? It didn't seem to me like it was a really big deal. My friend, who was she in my dream? My girlfriend? Just a friend? My wife? My ex-wife? She was a blur but the relationship troubled me now that I was awake. My friend and I had wandered into this restaurant in search of dinner. I didn't know what the restaurant was called or where it was, but I knew it was rather posh and reservations were usually required to get a table. Of course, we didn't have one. It took some time for anyone to discover that though since the restaurant had a rather strange layout.

We had wandered in through the front entrance and we were greeted with roomful of occupied tables with not a waiter in sight. There was no lectern at the entrance, no sign and no maĆ®tre d' to ask us if we had a booking and to show us to a table. We wondered past a few tables looking for someone to help us, scratching our heads and wondering where all the staff were. As we walked further inside seeking assistance, I could feel some of the customers looking at us wondering who these boorish people were.

Finally, we caught the attention of a waiter in the next room who was a little flustered when he found out we didn't have a reservation. He left us for a moment and then came back to tell us that he had found a table for us and led us into the next room. We followed him past the double doors and were startled by the impressive sight. Whilst the previous room was upper class, but plain, this was a ball room for aristocracy. Statues, paintings and antiques adorned the velvet curtained walls and marble pillars. Silverware glittered on the tables that were paired with gilded chairs. We were shown to our table and sat, marvelling at the sight.

Everything was proceeding delightfully until the waiter came to make this strange request.
"Where are you moving us to?", I asked.
"We may move you by that window", replied the waiter aloofly. "There is some glare coming through that window and we shall be using you to stop it."
My jaw dropped at the rudeness and I stared back dumbfounded for a minute or two as a smug smile crossed the waiter's lips. Were the other customers upset that we were sitting at this gorgeous table without a booking? Perhaps they were annoyed that people of our stature in society had been afforded such undeserving luxury.
"What exactly is the problem?", I managed to ask after a few moments.
"Some of our customers are upset that when these two ladies walked in, one of them was actually a man", replied the waiter bluntly.
I might have been dumbfounded before, but this time I was totally taken aback with shock.
"Excuse me?", I asked trembling.
"You heard me. The she is a he. You're a dude!" A sneer crossed the waiter's lips as he hissed that last word. I was shocked, hurt, embarrassed and angry. I didn't know how to respond, how to handle the situation. 
"What do you want from me?", I asked standing up and approaching the waiter. "Do you want me to drop my pants to prove to you that I'm not?"
"I'd like to see that", he replied with a sleazy smile mixed with contempt. I grabbed his sleeve and tugged him towards me.
"Come on then."
"You want to come and have a look too?" he laughed as he asked a fellow waiter.

"You know what?", I asked, turning around, after we were halfway to the toilets. "Screw this. I think I'm just going to sue you." 
A hushed silence fell over the room. Everyone had seen what had happened and I was sure I'd have a case. Judging by the reaction of the room, I wasn't the only one who thought that. 

I woke up agitated. Why had I dreamt that?? An uneasiness settled over me that prevented me from going back to sleep. I'd only had a few hours sleep. Today was going to be a long, rough day.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Filly's Frolic #23

Sometimes, things get in the way of me completing things in a timely manner after I start them. So it was with changing my name. Ending up in hospital and seeing a myriad of different doctors meant that I hadn't changed my name on anything related to healthcare. Doing a name change in the middle of that was bound to confuse somebody as I trekked between different departments and came back several times for follow up visits. 

As the saying goes, it's better late than never and so I was queuing up at a local government healthcare branch to claim some payments for medical services under my old name before proceeding with a change of name with them. I presented my receipts to the lady as well as my card. She began circling relevant information with a pencil in a way that they seemed to be trained to do it.

She paused before entering any information into her computer and asked, "Who are these claims for?"
"That's me", I replied chirpily. I knew of course, that several of the receipts had a dreaded "Mr" as the title before my former name and I was wondering how she was going to deal with this.
"Oh", she said a little surprised. "It's just that these have a male name and you look like... "
Her voice trailed off. 
I wouldn't really say it was an awkward silence since I was somewhat amused although she might have felt a little awkward. I unfolded my change of name certificate and pushed it across the counter and broke the silence.
"I have to do a change of name today as well."
"I'll enter these in first and then we can do the change of name", she replied flicking herself back into work mode. Good recovery!

I don't know if I was grinning more than usual, but I thought it was funny... 

Friday, November 25, 2011

They're baaaccck....

I had the strangest dream last night, or was it a nightmare? We were at some sort of school camp or excursion which, in hindsight, is never a good setting for a dream because anything that involves school always turns into a nightmare for me. I was relieving myself in the toilet that was, for some reason, directly connected to the main recreational room and the door was wide open. How I ended up in this position I do not know, but it certainly felt very weird now and the door was too far away for me to reach and close. Luckily, nobody seemed to be paying any attention and I could see and hear them merrily chatting and laughing in their own conversations.

After finishing my business, I began to clean myself up. Something felt odd. I stood up slightly and looked down and froze momentarily with shock. 

What the hell is that doing there?!?!?!

I sat back down quickly, hoping that nobody else had notice the male genitalia between my legs. That was supposed to be gone! I was sure the doctor had removed it. They don't grow back do they? Waves of confusion and troughs of anxious, depressed embarrassment crashed through my head. 

I quickly finished cleaning myself and tucking that thing between my legs, I swiftly pulled my pants up hoping that nobody would see anything. After washing my hands, I ran to my bed and dived underneath the covers. God! I had prayed so much in the past to turn me into a girl and you're turning me back into a boy?? Why?!

I cried in anguish, eventually falling to sleep.

I stirred and struggled to raise my weary head. Thank god it was just a dream.... 

Filly's Frolic #22

Drops of rain splattered my windscreen, slowly covering it with small round specks that sat in existence for a few moments before my wipers brushed them aside. Street lights lit up this almost deserted road on this otherwise dark night and most people were at home, which is where I was headed. Pulling up to a red light, I saw a small car stopped with a P plate in the rear window and the silhouette of two guys in the back seat. As I draw to a stop beside it, I see that it's full of four young men in their way home. I'm what might be called a shy driver and I tend not to look at people in other car's when I'm stopped at traffic lights in case they look back or yell out at me. It embarrasses me for some reason when they do and I never know how to react and just end up either looking away embarrassed or staring back with a blank stare like a deer stuck in their headlights.

So, I did what I always do and stared straight ahead and I hoped they would just ignore me. Shreds of that song by My Chemical Romance began to run through my head..
"They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me"

But not me... I could feel them, they were looking at me, I was sure but I kept looking straight ahead. I accelerated away as soon as the lights turned green. I'm never a slow poke at the lights and this was no exception as I accelerated away at a brisk but not overly aggressive pace. Although I pulled away from that car at first, I soon hit the speed limit and maintained a constant pace as they caught up. I expected them to zoom past but to my horror they matched my pace as they pulled up alongside me. I really hoped they weren't going to engage in abusive behaviour and I kept looking straight ahead.

Their car zoomed ahead half a length and then slowed down and fell back half a length. I heard it's engine rev as they did it again; they were obviously trying to get my attention. For some reason, I began to smile. I'm not sure why those previous fearful feelings began to melt away but they did and I smiled. Little dots of rain stuck to my side window stubbornly and I wondered if they could see me grinning in this dim light. Another intersection was ahead and the lights were red, I would have to stop with them beside me.

I rolled to a stop and I saw they they had moved another lane across and were going to turn right, so they would soon stop being a bother. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boys in that car smiling and waving wildly at me. I turned and looked at them, smiling back a little shyly. The boy in the front passenger seat waved again and I raised my hand and gave a shy finger wave in return. It was enough for him and he gave a celebratory fist pump and I could see him saying "Yes!" as the lights turned green and they turned off to go wherever they were going. 

I think I made his night and strangely, he kinda made mine and I couldn't stop smiling as I drove the rest of the way home.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yesterday was the anniversary of when my ex and I first started going out. Strangely, I didn't actually realise that until today and I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. In some ways it was fortunate since by the end of last night I was already in bad shape and knowledge of another once happy day passing by would have compounded my already despondent mood.

After finishing some reading last night for a university unit that I'm doing over summer, which interestingly included two pages on gender identity, memories began to flood back about my house. Due to the fallout from our financial settlement, my house is currently on the market and I am no longer living there. Yet, memories still remain. Every room in that house has a story to tell of happiness and sadness, promises made and dreams and potential unfulfilled. Tears streamed down my face and I sobbed quietly into my pillow, dark spots spreading across it's surface just like my grief spreading through my body. 

Curling up underneath my blanket, I hugged myself to sleep.

These times of despair are happening less frequently now and, for that, I am thankful. For now, though, they still do remain.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blast From the Past 2

After shredding all my old mobile phone bills that traced my history across three different phone numbers and just as many carriers that included moves from personal plans to business plans, I turned my attention to the next folder of paper. It was my stack of electricity bills. Electricity bills don't normally garner much interest but this included my first ever electricity bill, dated 24 July 2001, from when I bought my first house. My first bill was for $127.69 and I had used an average of 5.8kw per day or cost $1.19. I had signed up to Pulse, which was run by United Energy. A year later the industry was deregulated so that retailers and wholesalers were separated and Pulse turned into AGL. 

Looking at the name on the bill, I remembered that they kept spelling my name wrong during that first year despite numerous phone calls to correct them. 

This sort of history probably isn't really interesting to anyone except for the people involved; me. It was fun to stroll down another of memory's lanes before these documents hit the shredder.

Blast From the Past

There was I time when I was fastidious with record keeping. I've dropped off in recent times although not for lack of want. With that fastidiousness comes a mountain of records that piles up over the years. Being overly sentimental, I've come to attach emotions to them too. Not to the piles of paper, but to what they represent; times in my life that were historically significant to me.

At times, I've valued myself a bit too highly and have wondered if these records would be one day worth some money. However, since I'm not famous or of historical significance on even a local scale, I have come to realise that these records probably aren't even worth the paper they are printed on. Their only worth is to me and since I don't have the resources to carry around a mountain of paper it's time for them to go into the shredder. 

Curiosity overcame me as I fingered through statements from my first mobile phone contract back in 1998. It was with Hutchinson telecom and later became Orange late in 1999. They are now trading under the '3' brand but I left them long before that. I was on a $40 plan that had an access cost of $20 and had $20 of "included" calls which was more like $20 worth of call that had to be made and it appears that I exceeded it by a considerable margin on several accounts. Looking at the top of each statement, I remembered that my phone number was different back then and I racked my brain to try and remember how I got the number I have now. My question was answered not long after as I saw in one of the statements several phone calls I had made to what is now my present number. 

It was to Gosford and was made at a time when my Mum had gone up to stay with my sister for a while. My number was originally my Mum's number and at some point she had given it to me and had gotten herself a new phone number. 

Also on that statement was another number I instantly recognised. It was to my ex's number since we were going out at that point in time. Hutchinson was using the Optus network then and Optus had the 20-minute 'yes' time after 8pm and so after dinner at around 8:30pm we would often take a turn at calling each other for 20-minutes so that we could have a 40-minute conversation for free. That was on top of numerous SMS's and short two-minute calls during the day to say "Hi" and "I love you" of course... 

I have trouble getting rid of these sorts of things even though I don't look at them a lot of the time. Perhaps it's a fear of losing those memories of those parts of my life. Now that I've written about it, I feel a little more comforted that the memory will not be lost even if these records are now being destroyed.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Moving House

Since my day in court, I've been spending every day packing up my house and getting it ready for it's inevitable sale. It has been a difficult couple of weeks although I've been managing to cope a little better as each day passes, although I'm not sure how I will be when it finally is sold. My first day back to pack, I could feel sadness as I approached the front door with trepidation. Unlocking the door slowly, I turned off the alarm and quietly whispered, "Hello house." It was too much and that was all I could manage before I broke down in tears. I sat on the couch, sobbing for several minutes trying to pull myself together. This was a scenario that was to occur frequently over the next two weeks.

Memories and feelings still ran deep even though my house no longer felt like a home. At one point it felt cold, but now it felt tortured. It's heart hadn't disappeared, it was just broken, torn, shattered, severed. My heart. Dreams and potential had now faded into wistful memories that would now forever go unfulfilled and I cried for them and for me.

I began to sort through my possessions and to put them into boxes for moving or discarding. It is amazing how much can be gathered over the course of a decade. So many things had strong emotions attached that made my heart fall when I laid eyes upon them again and I would find myself back on that couch, sobbing for several minutes. It was a long process and progress was slow during that first week. 

As days wore on, sobbing became less frequent and more progress was made. With deadlines looming, sorting has given way to purely shifting with promises of discarding unnecessary items postponed to a later time. Even though I have been packing for a long time now, there is still some way to go yet and I'm sure plenty of tears will still be shed. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

These were the days...

This was my favourite song for a long time and although I have a new favourite song, this still ranks high in my list. It's also a good tear jerker for me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Day in Court

I just returned home from a full day in the city where I was at family court to settle financial matters ahead of an impending divorce. It was an arduously long day but after seven hours, an agreement was finally signed. Was it fair? Am I happy with it? Can I live with it?

I can't say that I am happy and I don't know if it was fair. All I can say is that it was the best that could be done under the circumstances. It's not particular fair that I've had to struggle with this gender identity burden. Neither is it particularly fair that when I finally managed to wrap my head around it and brought the truth to my soul mate, she decided that she was no longer my soul mate. How do you put a financial figure on that?

It's not that I'm against being fair or even against the concept whether in theory or practice. However, I do believe in acting with integrity. Proposing a solution in private and then presenting a legal offer demanding so much more is not acting with integrity. Friends who said they would be there and then couldn't fit me into their busy schedules and then later blame me for not reaching out to them; that is not acting with integrity. 

Ironically, she could have had anything she wanted if she had just asked me instead of pursuing it through the legal route. She knew that and I made it abundantly clear to her on several occasions. We would both have had more since we would have also avoided the legal fees. I can't begin to imagine how the love that she once had for me has soured into a tonic most foul that she has had to take this route. Yet, for all that has happened, I still love her and I think that is what hurts the most.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What we don't know

I have an exam tomorrow for which I'm trying to study for, yet I find myself writing because of an interesting concept that is part of my study. It's called the global workspace model and, nothing to do with 'global' buzzwords such as 'global economy', it says that consciousness is a result of which parts of your brain are active. That is, your brain's output is experienced as concious awareness. In other words, you aren't conscious of what your brain doesn't do!

If that sounds like I'm talking in circles, consider that there is a condition called blindsight in which the visual system is working but the brain is not concious of visual awareness. Vision in your brain is processed mainly by the occipital lobe at the back of your brain so damage to this area may render your brain unable to process part or all of the visual information being received. Typically, people with blindsight only lose vision in part of their visual field. Interestingly though, they often don't realise that they've lost it. If you damage your eye, your brain knows that it is missing information, so you know you've lost part of your vision. If your brain is damaged, it doesn't know that it is missing information and so you don't know that you're missing something! 

Similarly, there's another condition called hemineglect in which damage is done to the right hand side of your parietal lobe. Your parietal lobe is responsible for spatial awareness and the right hand side of your brain controls and receives information from the left hand side of your body. People with this condition don't notice anything on their right hand side. They  might shave or only put on makeup on the right hand side of their face and if they draw a picture, they will mainly only draw the right half. A patient with hemineglect has said, about the name of the condition, "How can you neglect something that's not there?"

I find this interesting because it shows how it is possible for us to be unaware of things that may be obvious to others. We don't know what we don't know. I've always been flabbergasted by people who claim they know everything or have all the answers. You may know things from your point of view but you cannot claim to know how other people feel or how they "should" therefore react. Conciousness is such a subjective experience and nobody can say for certain that they experience a situation in the same way as somebody else. We use labels to describe but they are learnt in a social context. We learn that grass is green but we do not know that what you see and experience as "green" is exactly the same as what I see and experience as "green". We only know to recognise and label this same experience as green. Maybe that's why some people have terrible colour co-ordination?! 

I think this gels with me because it fits in with my philosophy of dealing with others. There's more to people that just what you can see and because we don't know what is happening under the surface, we shouldn't be too quick to judge. Everyone has their foibles and there may be good reason for them. That's not to say that you have to be friends with everyone or have to super considerate of all the possibilities. You still have to live your own life and be true to yourself. Spend time with the people you get along with and you don't have to spend time with people you don't like but judge not lest ye be judged... 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Attaching Emotions

I'm reaching a point where I'm almost functional during an average day. Worries about life are no longer totally overwhelming and I don't live in pervasive fear or anxiety and I'm not constantly in tears or a state of despair. Almost.. 

Unfortunately, I find myself still traumatised by emotions that are attached to what were once happy memories. Places, things and events trigger memories in my mind that then release a flood of sadness that washes over me as quickly as a tsunami. Observers might think I were bipolar if they observed my mood swings but that would neglect what is actually happening in my thought processes.

As an example, there are now a number of movies that I can no longer watch. Antz was a wonderful animation that I enjoyed but it was also the first film that my ex and I went to see together. Avatar (the James Cameron film) is another that I enjoyed but that reminds me of the final times during which my ex and I were still in contact. As of writing, it was the last movie that we watched together. Remembering these movies is distressing due to the associated emotions and, even at this very moment, it requires a pause as I am brought to tears by these thoughts.

I did not choose to associate negative emotions with these memories and I have yet to figure out how to detach them. This places me in precarious position as I can find myself quickly crashing down when what might seem to be a small or innocent detail is brought to my attention. Judging by how my mind has dealt with other events, these associations will not go away but I can only hope that their effects will lessen over time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Replay (Part 1)

Years ago, when I was a more avid gamer, I never really enjoyed replaying involved single player games. My main issue was that at the point when a game is completed, I was usually in a pretty powerful position. If playing first person shooters, I'd had the good weapons and you might have lots of ammo (probably not after the final boss though... ha). If playing resource management games, I'd had a big stockpile of resources to build whatever I wanted and I had a great income stream for various things. In many strategy games there was often a point where victory was inevitable and realising it was just a matter of continuing along a rather mechanical process. 

Replaying games meant starting from scratch again. It was frustrating to have to be frugal with resources after being accustomed to being able to do what I needed to when I needed to. Additionally, I knew how the game worked and I knew success was possible with just an investment in time. Overcoming the same challenges again seemed less fulfilling the second time around unless I intentionally made it difficult for myself somehow. This usually led to a decrease in motivation and interest. Often I would just end up hacking save files to see if there were items or combinations of things I could use that weren't possible in the normal game. 

For a while, I have been feeling the same way about my life. In many ways, my life is restarting and I've felt the same sort of frustrations and de-motivation as when replaying a game. My career is at a total restart along with my income stream and, in likelihood after divorce proceedings, my current assets and resources. Similarly, I have not seen many of my old friends for a long time and it feels like a game where I have to build up a whole new set of allies.

Of course, like in playing games, all that is possible to rebuild. It only takes time and effort and I already know it is possible and how. However, like my analogy, any feeling of fulfilment is not as great the second time around whilst challenges still take a similar amount of time and effort. That is, the reward to effort ratio seems to decrease and be less enticing. For a long time therefore, I felt very unmotivated and disinterested and, along the same lines, my mind did wonder along the analogous route of "hacking" to obtain things that weren't "normally" possible...

Now that I'm actively involved in replaying my life, however, I'm finding the motivation and interest starting to pick up. Is this where the analogy breaks down or is it just a continuation? I'll leave you hanging until I write part 2 of this piece.. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Life and Death - a review

Browsing through facebook, I came across a link to an article about why suicide isn't just a men's issue. After I had finished reading, my mind thought back to one girl who claimed that the risk of transsexual suicide post-op was no greater than that of the general population. One of the skills being drummed into me in my current studies is that of critical thinking, which I like because I am inquisitive by nature and do prefer claims to be backed up by evidence if I'm to believe them. So, I decided to check her claim and do some research of my own.

I dived into my university library's database and began to do a search. Sadly, the first thing I noticed was the lack of research on the topic and the only journal article I could find was from a study performed in Sweden. Dhene, Lichtenstein, Boman, Johansson,  LĆ„ngstrƶm, et al. found that post-op transsexuals were 19.1 times more likely to die from suicide. Although there are limitations to the statistics in this study, that is a sobering outcome that clearly refutes the previously mentioned claim. 

Reading through the article, the authors suggest consideration of improved care for transsexuals after their sex reassignment operation. This was something that my psychologist was surprised about when I told her that after care here was non-existent. Where I am, there is one channel to go through if you wish to have surgery here. Many girls decide to have their surgeries overseas in which case the same channel can be used in order to obtain that psychiatric approval letter or there are other avenues that can be followed. Unless I am mistaken (and please tell me if I am), none of them provide any form of follow up after surgery.

Having already written about how emotionally difficult SRS can be, it does seem strange that so much time is spent ensuring the patients well being prior to surgery but that none is allocated to ensuring their mental health after. I wonder if that also contributes to the stigma associated with the psychiatric process. If the process is supposed to be for the good of the patient, then it shouldn't wipe it's hands clean once the patient has been approved for surgery. Such actions tend to be interpreted as being indicative of a system that is only looking after itself. For the benefit of the ts community and for the safety of all those who transition in the future, something needs to change.


Dhejne C, Lichtenstein P, Boman M, Johansson ALV, LĆ„ngstrƶm N, et al. 2011 Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016885

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Three months on (and words of warning)

It's actually been more like three and a half months now, but pedantry aside, it's been a long three months since my operation. A lot of undesired events came together making it a very difficult time that almost killed me but I have survived to tell (part of) the tale. I have thought a lot about what has happened and have a word of caution to anyone planning to undergo SRS.

SRS is a very emotional experience.

Everybody is different of course and some people seem to just zip through it as if it were no different to having a tetanus shot at the doctors. However, not every finds it that way and I do personally know others that have found post-op recovery to be difficult also. That's not to say it was regretted or that I would have done otherwise, but the difficulty of the journey should not be under estimated. I'm also not just talking about the pain, but I am talking about the emotional experience as a whole. Pain is emotionally draining of course, but there are other factors involved also.

These factors I will get to shortly, but the main point is that SRS is a very emotional experience and you need to be prepared and be sure that you will be able to cope with that. If there are other pressures in your life that are taxing you emotionally, it may well be a good idea to postpone surgery until your emotional reserves are higher. For example, many ts's struggle with relationship breakdowns and/or divorce, trouble with work and trouble with family. I was definitely struggling with all these and throw in the fact that the pain medication had potentially negative interactions with the medication keeping my depression under control and it probably isn't a huge surprise that my mood in the last couple of months in particular have literally been at their lowest in my entire life. 

Pain in recovery was definitely an emotional draining experience for me. Keeping in mind that I have been in and out of hospital my entire life and that pain is not new to me, but the constant pain is still draining. Doctors and their procedures vary as do patients and some girls seem to not have any pain but I would suggest an approach with an expectation of a lot of pain. If it turns out you are pain free, consider yourself lucky. Some girls find that their breast implants hurt more than their SRS operation but I was not one of them. I also developed a pain and possible haemorrhage from a nerve stump that still hurts if I apply pressure on it. There's a little lump as though one of my testicles has been shoved up in an extreme tuck and that's also exactly what it feels like.

Something I really didn't expect was how emotionally draining dilating would be. There is nothing sexually appealing about dilating. Just to make it clear to anyone who thinks it's an erotic adventure to have an excuse to be using these acrylic dildo looking tools, dilating is not sexually appealing! One of the biggest reasons why it is draining is because it's something that needs to be done whether you want to or not. When you first start dilating and for quite a while after, your genitals will still be healing and they will be bruised and sore and you still have to stick this dilator in there. It hurts, it's uncomfortable and it may even make you bleed. Even when every emotion in you says "No!" you still need to do it. It's no wonder that I liken it to having to rape yourself and I say that without a word of jest... 

Some girls have a moment of blissful revelation when, for example, they see themselves in the mirror for the first time. From what I understand, this is a very uplifting emotion that can help to counter the other negative experiences. Unfortunately, it is not something that I have experienced personally. Perhaps it is my literal nature where I just take things as they are but I was looking forward to that moment and it was a disappointment to not have felt it. That disappointment was perhaps an emotional drain as well and I would caution anyone against looking forward to that euphoric feeling. One of the names for our condition is Gender Dysphoria, with dysphoria meaning sadness. That is to say, you transition because you are sad with your current gender and it is important to not fall into the logical trap of thinking that because you are sad with your current gender that you will be elated with your new one. If you approach the change with an expectation of gender euphoria, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.

Having said that, am I happy in my new gender? Definitely! There are definite downsides to it too, but transitioning isn't necessarily about traipsing around ensuring that everyone notices you're a girl. For me, at the moment, it's about getting on with life and not even thinking about my gender any more. 

Many people ask if I have any regrets. Truthfully, right now, I can't say that I don't. I regret that my relationship and marriage ended and it's still something that saddens me daily and makes me want to cry regularly. I regret that I have lost a lot of friends and that the dynamics with any remaining old friends has changed totally to the point where I haven't seen them for a long time. I regret that I will never be able to experience being the father of a traditional family. These are all things that need to be considered but, right now, I am happy to be me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Filly's Frolic in the land of Vincenti - with Director's Commentary

During the last Christmas and New Year, I was in hospital with a cavernous hemangioma (a bleed in the brain). It was quite an adventure since it took a while for the doctors to figure out what it was. During that time, I was keeping all my friends informed via SMS and, partly because I was getting bored in hospital and partly because my mind works in weird ways, the messages started getting more and more "creative". I decided that I would keep them for posterity and I would share them for everyone to enjoy. So I now present to you, Filly's Frolics in the land of Vincent. (It's a long epic tale, so find a nice comfy chair to relax in.)

On 17 December, 2010, I went to hospital due to severe dizziness and headache. My doctor has previously thought that I had vertigo and had given me medication but since my symptoms didn't improve the following day, he suggested I go to the hospital emergency centre. After a CT scan, I was admitted to hospital later that night with an unknown cause of bleeding in my brain. Over the next few days, friends came to visit and I promised that I would keep them informed of my progress.

20 Dec 2011, 7:54am
Hi peeps! Nothing is happening. Just eating breaky and waiting for my MRI and another ct scan so I thought id put my SMS list together. Good morning everyone! :)

I'm drinking 750ml of contrast solution for the ct scan and it tastes like aniseed. Yeah >p. Why can't they make it taste like strawberries?? Theyll also shave off some hair so they can stick MRI donuts on my head. *sob sob*

Just had some bald patches put in in prep for my MRI.  Raq might have a bit of work later. Lol. Just waiting for MRI now... Or lunch.. Whichever comes first....
(Raq was my hairdresser at the time)

As my wheelchair rolled into the elevator, I closed my eyes and imagined the cold hard steel doors closing in front of me and the elevator descending to the hospital basement. I was wheeled through the bowels of the hospital, industrial sounds emanating from every corner. At least there were no screams. Like a specimen about to be wheeled into a secret experiment, we rolled past lonely corridors and old rooms that looked like they once were the scenes of atrocities best forgotten by all involved and were now quaintly labelled as seminar rooms. With my shaved hair and MRI donuts, Im sure I looked the part.
The door to the MRI lab resembled the door to a bomb shelter. Once inside, I was treated to the experience known as an MRI. I was given a quick questionnaire to ensure I wasn't wearing metal, but they forgot about my bra and once I reminded the nurse she helped me remove it without undressing.
I had no soothing music inside the MRI, it sounded more like a bad industrial, grunge, techo, nightclub. I wondered how long it would last before being treated to an all over body vibration. Just what I didn't want.
Finally, my bed slid out and I wad administered some liquid. Unlike the liquid in other clubs, this didn't make the music sound any better, but just like the liquid in other clubs, it made me feel sick. I squeezed the chicken tube I was holding, hoping it wasn't a 50cent bunnings prop. Fortunately it worked, but i wasnt sick. I sneezed as I reentered the machine and was treated to a new soundtrack called nuclear meltdown or battlestations. I'm not sure which. The sirens droned on and it reminded me of those parts in video games when you're walking through a corridor with the lights flashing and sirens sounding and you know that if you take another step, a bunch of huge monsters are going to leap out or some creepy sucker is going to jump on your face and you really don't want to continue but you know you have to coz thats where the game goes. So you continue on reluctantly in total fear. Geez guys do weird things for fun...
The sirens droned on, and I realized that by now I would have saved and replayed that entire stage half a dozen times to get through it the best and all the fear would be gone by now. I must have played the stage well coz I was now being rewarded with another fullbody low frequency make me sick massage. My bed slid out to end the enjoyment and I was knocked back to reality in the realization that that it was still difficult to catch a 'taxi' back from the club to my room. At least my dinner was waiting for me... Mmmm... Creme caramel.. Yes, Annie, that's the one you like...  Dinner beat the doctor who only had inconclusive news anyway, so we'll wait till tomorrow! ...again...

(You can tell I was starting to get bored at this point)

Glad you like my story, it's part of my new subscription service. Only $1/word and $5/ msg. Thank you so so so very very very very much for joining... Really.. 

Really, thank you so so much. 

21 December, 2010 8:05am
Doctors visited again and are still not making a call so it's more waiting. Lunch in 4.5 hrs.. What did I order again??

Someone here is trying to get discharged to go to the eagles concert tonight. I can understand that... 

Latest news: I'm munching on vegetarian pasta with peas and mash.. Yum yum yum... I thought she said pizza yesterday,
But I must have been wishing.  On the medical front, an angiogram will be done at some time... Waiting waiting... Eating... 

(I'v been told I'm weird because I actually enjoy hospital food... )

Breaking news: I got a really nice hot chocolate cake in hot choc sauce for dessert. Yummmm!!!

Who will win? Angiogram or dinner? It must be coming down to the wire!

Breaking news: dinner wins with penne and mushroom! Only 1 vote for angiogram, what a waste of 50 million microseconds.  Doctors musnt have bribed them enough.
Opposite patient gets to go to eagles concert but must be back tonight...

Latest news: our gallant team of doctors have retired for the night and the mysteries of flicks brain will remain hidden for another day. Flick would have traded her ice cream for another plate of penne and mushroom coz it was soo yumm... She has been given her meds and is settling in for a long night. Her butt makes rude noises in her sleep... Sorry, it's a slow news day....

22 Dec 2010, 7:48am
Morning news: breakfast beats angiogram as flick rouses from another nights sleep. Thanks to her collection of divas singing Neil Finn, yes, the eagles, soul asylum and a pre dowloaded relaxation podcast,a good 6 hrs sleep was to be had. Flick still wishes she had bought those Katy perry and Taylor swift CDs.  The lady opposite moans and has nightmares. Maybe she sees dead people. The guy diagonally opposite had a good time at his concert but has trouble remembering where he was this morning. Hope he remembers his concert. What was I talking about? These rice bubbles are nice, where'd they come from?

Oh no! Doctors interrupted breakfast to make me fast for the angiogram! I didn't get to taste the rice bubbles! I was literally about to put the spoon in my mouth! *sob sob*

(Maybe if I had spent less time texting I might have actually been able to eat some.)

As was pointed out to me, guys usually give you a good meal before wheeling you somewhere else for a small uncomfortable prick. However, sometimes they may be afraid of causing nausea and may choose to skip the meal. They better not make me miss lunch!!!!

23 Dec 2010, 8:08am
Breakfast news: our roving reporter fell asleep on the job last night and didn't submit her report. She was sighted this morning cowering over a bowl or rice bubbles and fending off a group of doctors. They had come in peace, however, and with any luck, she will be going home today!! She will have to come back for an MRI in 4 weeks and meanwhile, no asprin or skating. Bleh... Those small pesky asprins get stuck in the skate wheels anyway.... 

Scientific theory: our roving reoorter has formulated a new theorem known as the drip dilemma. In summary, a newly or re- connected drip causes a significant amount of initial pain and discomfort that subsides eventually. However, the bladders fill and at some point the need to pee outweighs the promise of the pain involved in reconnecting the drip. This point is the drip equilibrium. The position of this point changes depending on where the drip is placed since feet hurt more than hands that hurt more than inner elbow. 

Home time!

Our intrepid reporter was fired and is now at home. ( samm was such a cold hearted b). She is playing with her new camera that she was going to claim the gst on when she went to Thailand, but that's all been pushed back now. She'll have to buy something else instead... Skates??

(After my earlier message about falling asleep on the job, my friend Samm sent me a message saying that the roving reporter should be sacked. Lol! The reference to skates was a joke since at this point in time I had pretty awful balance and was having trouble walking let alone skating...)

24 Dec 2010, 1:46pm
Breaking news: our napping newscaster was caught with a noose around her neck and is being towed back to hospital for another scan. She was supposed to fast, but the naughty ninny ate lunch anyway and may be having an operation on monday. Annoyed she'll be missing Karens pig spit. 

(Yep, the docs called me back into hospital on Christmas Eve... My friend Karen was doing roast pork for Christmas and I was so looking forward to that.)

Afternoon news: forlorn filly floundered along the corridors of medical imaging, afraid of receiving yet another iv drip for her ct scan. However, she found she could forgive her mothers missives as even the hospital sometimes says the wrong thing. It was only to be an ultrasound, a play with some cold jelly and a probe that might even be fun under different circumstances. They were looking for a liver cyst, but the needle was not found in this haystack and filly is now back in the same ward but has a window view! Yay!! She also is sporting the dotty look again and is missing more hair and is awaiting another MRI. 

Nightly news: our reporter hunkers down for a long night. The patient next door is in severe pain and was on methodone and doesn't sound like he'll be sleeping tonight. My MRI team has gone home for christmas, so I won't get my scan till sun or mon. Merry Christmas to everyone from the field!! :)

So I gave the guy next door some water and he seems happier now...

Lol, how silly am I? I thought could hear carols by candle light through the window on my left, so I hobbled closer for a better listen and look. Turns out it was the guys tv on my right. Ha! Merry Christmas everyone!

25 Dec 2010, 3:49am
Dawn news: our intrepid reporter rouses with hopefully enough sleep for the day. She sees a fat man walking down the corridor with a bag and would have chased the burglar, except she can't run. She needs to pee and lies in bed listening for the nearest bush to be free. It turns out her hearing can't be trusted again and she limps in in desperation. A friendly nurse gives her a fresh roll of leaves to clean herself and she hobbles back to bed where the patient next to her is high on morphine and sounds like marge simpson. The patient that sees dead ppl in her sleep is also back and at one point sounds like she karate chops a dead person in half. Our reporter sees the shell of a pringles animal on a ledge and sneaks up behind it only to find it is only a shell and someone had eaten the tasty insides and left the shell behind. How rude! Our reporter picks some fruit from the plate tree and munches on it while hoping that a lost, wounded breakfast tray will limp past later this morning for her to pounce on. The other patients are now making plenty of noise and she considers singing a million bottles of beer on the wall, but decides against it. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have plenty of presses under your tree and sorry to wake you for such a silly story! Lol!

Breakfast news: a breakfast tray pushes itself into our hungry heroines hands. It wasn't lost, it had come here to die! No matter, still tastes the same thinks our heroine as she tucks into its innards and is thankful that animals are so crunchy, tasty and milky on the inside... And so well packed! This one even tastes like corn.  Merry Christmas everyone!! xo

(Yes... that was cornflakes for breakfast.)

Morning news: the animals scampered out of the forest showering the non indigenous fauna with Christmas chocolates, mince tart and a Christmas fanta. Merry Christmas everyone!! xoxo 

(Doctors and nurses came around giving all the patients Christmas treats. That was so nice of them.)

Lunch news:
1. The magic fountain chair isn't really that magical although it beats a jump in the cold river any day and I could sit under the warm fountain all day although id prob fall over first in my condition
2. I'm glad my cane isn't like my candy cane coz I'd have fallen over a dozen times by now and id still be unwrapping it
3 christmAs fanta turns into Christmas pee very quickly
4. It's a very very slow news day
Merry Christmas everyone!!

(The magic fountain chair is the chair I had to sit on while having a shower. At this point in time, my balance was awful, so standing in the shower was not a good idea.)

There is a guy outside that sounds like James earl jones.
Luke, I am your father....

Hey everyone, it's Christmas night!!! Roast some pork pork pork on your fork fork fork and dance the night awaaayyy!!! Have some ham ham ham with some lamb lamb lamb and have a drink drink drink and don't think think think about yesterdaaaayyy!!! Wooooooh!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!

(What can I say? I was bored...)

26 December 6:37am
Breakfast news: our intrepid explorers rouses from her cave to the sounds of Dora! She has a few hours sleep which won't be enough for the day but is better than nothing.  Our simple scribe didn't sip any christmas spirit so has no hangover to put away. Happy Boxing Day!!!  Boxing day was traditionally the time for donations to public hospitals, so give it up people!!!! Or you can watch Dora with me.. Say it again.. Mountain, river, north pole! Mountain, river, north pole!! One more time, mountain, river, north pole!!

A bubble rice animal sacrifices itself on flicks altar and she immediately accepts the sacrifice while keeping one eye open (very literally) for the pack of scavenging doctors who seem to be running late this morning. Maybe they had too much Christmas spirit. 

While doing her rounds and checking misc bodily health, the friendly nurse pointed out that I had a visit from mr hanky! I did a Christmas poo yesterday!! Hidey ho!!!! :)

A lamb sacrifices itself on flicks altar. She indulges immediately and is glad that the lamb stuffed itself with a roast potato and gravy before making the sacrifice. Two doctors spoke to her this morning and they still want an MRI after which they will prob schedule surgery. Likely date for both is Mon but noone really knows. 

A brave young doctor approaches our suspicious sissy as she sups on sacrificial rice. He is not here to steal, but instead takes her away to discuss tomorrows cutting procedure. She is shown a picture of her brain with a 2.5cm  divot that looks like a golf ball has landed in the sand trap that is the middle of filly's brain.  The doctor points out some shadow in the divot that may indicate the presence of a tumor hiding in the invisible blood currently occupying that area. I think the starship enterprise once discovered a cloaked Klingon ship using a similar method... The plan is to go through the back of the head, spine and remove a bit of skull and drain the area and do a biopsy. The surgeon started talking about risks and dangers, but our reporter isn't worried.. It's not like it's brain surgery... Oh, wait a sec....

27 December 6:52am
Morning news: our relieved reporter returns from the nearest bush and stumbles back into bed to try and have more sleep. She managed a half decent amount last night despite surrounding residents antics. Hoewever, she has learnt that,
1 threatening to get out of bed and walk to the carpark and discharge yourself prob won't work, especially if you can't normally sit yourself up at meal times
2. Pressing every button in succession on a beeping iv machine prob won't shut it up. From memory, the nurses always press a big button on the lower right that had a big picture of a speaker with an x through it.
3 some ppl have an aversion to the nurse button and feel they'll get better results by shouting "miss!" and their demands every 5 or 10 mins... I still don't understand this one....

breakfast news: filly tucks into another bubbly rice animal that leapt upon her altar in the morning. She should prob be fasting but the snap, crackling and popping bleating of the animal was too much temptation. A juicy orangy animal lay near by asking her to rip the skin from it's bones and drink it's juices which it had conveniently collected into a single location. Our hungry hussy obliges and lays back in bed to rest and wait for the passing doctor pack. 

28 December 4:04am
Breaking news: our little lass Is out of surgery with a pain in the neck.

(Late the previous day, I was rounded up for my brain surgery...)

Bad joke time: our roving reporter is awake with a rather sore neck and head and is feeling very bored. She needed that about as much as a hole in the head.... Haha!!

Our sleepy soapstar rouses to the docs news. The op went well and the blood was drained and some tissues sent for biopsy. She'll be spending a few more days in the wild while we wait for the results. The op was done in officeworks coz she has a row of staples down her neck. Now she knows what an exercise book feels like. 

Oh, docs believe that some damage may have been done by the bleed so it'll be some effort to regain previous coordination. That's fine, cause I was always unco!! Just means that mooey Mel will have to join rollerderby first... hahaha!

(My friend Mel and I were talking about joining roller derby... )

As out prostrate pip is being fed lunch (an advantage of having a stapled neck) she is whisked away for another CT scan. Ironically, the expensive CT scan machine isn't operating properly due to a relatively cheap strap that isn't falling into place. After spending 20 mins fixing the strap, flick is given her 1 minute scan. Results may be available tonight or tomorrow.
Other things learnt today:
A catheter down your wiener is uncomfortable.
The people that wheel me around are called porters. That would make me an old bag. 

Our reclining reporter is visited by a nurse who needs to put new socks around her legs. These socks inflate and gently massage her legs to prevent blood clots. "I could get used to this", thinks our relaxing reporter, "except for the stupid catheter..."

And so pride comes before a fall. Where our once gracious gazelle used to totter in her high heels, it will now be flats for filly for a while. Her locks have been lacerated (ok, that's an exaggeration) and her poise is stunted by a pain in the neck. But she remembers the words of her friend mooey who says "it is what it is" and so she goes to sleep with a smile ready for tomorrow. Her life, her choice, happy with herself. 

29 December 7:44am
Breakfast news: our weary wench lies in her bed without a single winks sleep. It was a long night. She rises to rearrange her grapevine on the suggestion that certain people hearing news on it shouldn't need to. She hopes she doesnt cut a wrong vine by accident in her delirious state. She is careful of what she says because she is sure she hallucinated during the night... Oops said too much.
Her peacefulness ran away during the night and there was no fanciful sacrificial animal at her altar today... Only a bowl of porridge. 

Flick doesn't feel so bad. The patient diagonally opposite is going for a lumbar puncture... The poor thing. Flick remembers the last time she had lumbar puncture and after a dozen attempts, the doctors gave up on drawing any fluid from her spine.  Still a cringeworthy memory and flick has a sympathy cringe for the patient opposite. 

Dear genie, when I said I wanted to be 18, I meant 18 years old and partying, not 18 months and learning to walk!

Eat, drink, pee into catheter, try and sleep, wait for dinner...

30 December 7:45am
Our bleary eyed boob wakes from her sleep with a sore wrist where she successfully defended herself against an evil enemy that morphed into her dinner table after she hit him. As she rubs her eyes she sees an optus exec waving and thanking her for sending his kids to high school. He turns around to reveal his bad wig with bald spots and poor coverage in key areas. Rest is further delayed when a nurse arrives to remove the catheter. It turns out not to be a big deal and just a lot of dribble. Two bubbly rice animals jump on the altar of Flick.., oh wait... She still has double vision. 

Our dizzy ditz finds herself summoned back to the temple of MRI. It appears that the temple masters like to watch her even though she doesn't like the music and she isn't even graced with the donut dots of beauty for this trip.  Her veins are tapped again for the elixir of contrast but despite the continuously lousy music, she cannot help but fall asleep and she catches herself twitching which is sure to displease the temple masters.  Finally, the masters have seen enough and wheel her back to her cave. She wonders if she had displeased them because they did not visit that night and so she will have no idea of her destiny until at least tomorrow...

31 December 8:25am
The temple masters visit Filly in her cave to her know how much they like watching her. They find her interesting since they do not understand her head and want to keep her there until they do. Filly nods and smiles since it would be hard for her to leave without their permission. It will be many more days yet. 

1 January 2011, 12:25am
Happy new year from the roving reporter!

(Late on news years eve, I was lying in bed unable to sleep. I didn't know how the other patients managed to sleep so soundly on New Year's Eve. My balance and ability to walk was pretty bad but I did ok with my little stroller to lean on, so I decided I would go for a walk around the ward. As I slowly shuffled up the corridor, I came across some nurses with glow stick necklaces getting ready to celebrate the new year. They were drinking apple juice and offered me some and invited me into the nurses staff room which had a window looking towards the river where the fireworks would be. I was up on the tenth floor but unfortunately there was another building partially obscuring the view, but I did manage to see the fireworks and saw the new year in with a bunch of friendly nurses. Yay!)

The temple masters visited Filly and blew her a raspberry which made her laugh. She liked raspberries, especially with blueberries and Cointreau. They told her they had removed a raspberry from her brain that had been making her sick (a cavernoma) and that she should be ok in the long term. She hoped that they hadn't removed her like for raspberries.

2 January 2011, 1:34pm
Napping news: Our napping newscaster was caught slacking in the woods by her surgeon. He's happy with the progress and is glad they decided to remove the cavernoma. He said they cavernomas normally don't cause a bleed that big but, hey, Filly isn't normal and whenever she does something, she makes sure she does it properly!!
3 January 2011, 8:02am
Todays roving report is cancelled due to a loss of communication with our reporter. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to restore the problem.

In unrelated news, a large number of bubbly rice animals have been reported missing in the lands of Vincenti. Local authorities are investigating. 

4 January 2011, 8:27am
A bubbly rice animal brought a picken friend with it to Filly's altar. As the picken split itself into neat halves with a piggy smelly meat on one side and a scrambled yellowy substance on the other, Filly remembered the incidents of last night. A war had occurred in the nearby caves but by morning, the local residents had been replaced by others.
The local leaders visited Filly and told her that they would be sending her to officeworks with a staple remover. They would also help her be rehabilitated. She didn't know she was a criminal but she smiled and nodded. She liked the bubbly rice animals. 

Afternoon news: There was a queue at officeworks and so Filly has dibs on the stapler remover on Thursday. 

5 January 2011, 12:10pm
Her makeshift chariot rattled noisily along the cobblestones as the dour matron chieftess pushed her down the ancient pathway. Filly huddled into her blanket and clutched at her freedom stick, careful to hold her feet up so that they wouldn't catch on the ground. Clatters of a trolley followed behind carrying accumulations that were not actually hers but that materialized from the protective orb that had chosen to accompany her each day.

As the party crossed a bridge, filly counted herself three levels up. She was to be rehabilitated. Someone had found her behaviour offensive and she was to be rehabilitated. Soon enough, the matron stopped outside a door marked with a parchment and dark carbon dust. Room 8, Bolte wing. This was to be her home for a while. 

6 January 2011, 2:47pm
Internal memo:
The admin department has been issued with 26 staples. Please use them wisely.

Our roving reporter says she feels like a thunderbird puppet but without the luxury of strings to hold her up. 

7 January 2011, 11:07am
Guards discovered filly scavenging some food in the middle of the night that had been smuggled in by some kind souls. She was turned over to some special guards called FeeSeeOhs who put her on a machine so that she could generate power for their new electric light bulbs. They told her that if she fulfilled her quota, they would let her go home on the 11th. Filly pedaled harder. 

11 January 2011, 11:11am
The FeeSeeOhs escorted Filly to the edge of the forest. Sunlight streamed through an opening in the canopy and she could see the paths in the cleared lands ahead. Filly turned and saw a herd of bubble rice animals that had gathered to bid her farewell. As she knelt down, one crawled forward and hopped into her arms, nuzzling her cheek. It crept to her ear and told her where she would always be able to find their friends. Filly smiled and carefully put the bubbly rice animal down. Standing up, she turned back and began hobbling towards the sunlight, her freedom stick supporting each step. It was time to go home.

That was the last of my updates. I spent many weeks as an outpatient in the local rehab centre afterwards learning to balance and walk properly again. Even now, if I turn my head to quickly from side to side while walking, I might lose my balance and stumble off to the side. For the most part however, everything is pretty good and I have enough balance to ride a bicycle and go ice skating. 

The really scary part is that I don't remember half that stuff. My memory is a little shot and there are little chunks of things that I don't remember in my past. Given that I'm studying and have to sit exams again, it is a little worrying....
But, I hope you enjoyed the story!