Hooray for me! Whilst surfing the web, I came across a site that analyses web sites to determine if content is written by a woman or a man. It is believed that men and women use different vocabularies and have different writing styles which is relatively easy to analyse. I find this quite interesting since it is another subtle gender clue or tool that can be used by any of you t-girls or guys out there that are concerned with passing. People are, after all, complex beings and there are many pieces to the puzzle.
My curiosity couldn't be withheld and I had to have my blog analysed. Right now, it thinks with 65% certainty that this blog is written by a woman. Yay for me! I pass!
Bummer! This post dropped my percentage by two points! Did I really celebrate like a guy?? lol!
hehe... mine was 70%... I feel chuffed :) xo
You girl! :)
made my day gorgeous one :)
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