Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thailand Day T+14

Mum came to visit me in my room today which I guess is kinda nice. One of Dad's old classmates is in the hotel industry and so we generally get really good rooms from him whenever we travel. This time, he knew one of the big wigs in the hotel chain in Thailand that was coincidently the same hotel that I was at so Mum ended up with a really good rate on a pretty swish room. She came down today and had a third go at trying to convince me to move up to her room with her. 

Hrmm.. three dilation sessions lasting half an each and four breast massage sessions at twenty minutes each? Sorry, but I think I prefer my privacy and I'm kinda comfy in this little room of mine. Even if she does go for a walk each time, I still much rather prefer my privacy but I got the feeling she wasn't happy with my stance.

Perusing and shuffling through my things as she is prone to do, that's when she picked up my dilator (and not gently by the end either).
"What's this?", she asked inquisitively, turning it over and around in her fingers and inspecting it from every angle. Yes, I do wash it clean after every session... 
"Uhm, it's a dilator", I replied shyly since I knew where this was going.
"What do you do with it?", she asked rather forwardly. 

I was in bed under the covers since I was tired and in pain and discomfort. At this point however, I was trying not to giggle although I may have smirked.
"Uhm... you kinda have to stick it inside you", I replied. In slow motion, I could see the cogs ticking in her brain as at least part of the information started sinking in.
"Urrgghh! Oh God!", she exclaimed putting down the dilator as quickly as she could without dropping it like a dead rat. 

Maybe I am evil, but it was really, really hard not to laugh.

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